About Us
For over 40 years, the Madison Flower Shop & Garden Center has been a center for creativity, inspiration and joy in the community. Our unique floral arrangements use fresh cut flowers and are designed specifically for each occasion. We pride ourselves on offering quality products and services while maintaining a welcoming environment for those who wish to learn, create or grow.

Our History
When Roger Benton first opened the doors to the Madison Flower Shop and Garden Center in the early 1960s, Madison was little more than a sleepy summer town with a small population of 4,500. Roger, who had gotten his start in the floral industry at Dowd Greenhouses in Madison as a grower and wholesale supplier of snapdragons and geraniums, attended the UConn School of Agriculture and had a lifelong passion for gardening and horticulture. In 1963, Roger decided to open a retail flower shop and garden center, and built the Madison Flower Shop and Garden Center at 376 Durham Road, where it still stands today. For 30 years, Roger was dedicated to providing his customers with top-notch service and quality products, and established the Madison Flower Shop as a beloved Madison institution. In 1994, Roger handed the reigns over to Donna and Jay Santoro, who maintained the shop as a family run business while updating and expanding Madison Flower Shop and Garden Center’s services and facilities.
Today, Madison boasts a population of 18,000, and as the town has grown, so has the Madison Flower Shop and Garden Center, which now offers full service landscaping, masonry, and gifts, in addition to the original floral, greenhouse, and nursery services that Roger began more than 50 years ago. Over the years, the delivery route has also expanded to include the Connecticut River Valley and all the shoreline towns from East Haven to Old Lyme.
Still operating out of Roger’s original building (complete with one of the oldest functional glass greenhouses in the state of Connecticut), the Madison Flower Shop and Garden Center is now a modernized tribute to the way things used to be – a place where trendy and sophisticated meet nostalgic and sentimental. While our products, ideas, and designs are fresh and contemporary, we strive to preserve the welcoming, hometown florist feel that our customers have enjoyed since 1963.